
What motivates you personally?

quotesI once impulsively answered this question from a customer by replying, “Productivity.”  When I later pondered my reply, I found that that was actually only half the answer. Today I would say, productivity AND humanity.“


Can a company afford to be human?

quotesYes. “To me, humanity means that the needs of people are taken into consideration—and that they are taken into consideration in line with the changing goals of the company. This has a lot to do with changing one’s perspective, communication and timing. Particularly if they cannot meet the primary needs of those affected due to the corporate strategy, information and communication needs inevitably take second place.

“Humanity” for me also means, however, involving individuals in the change process and –if possible– including representatives as early the the design phase…. It’s amazing how much energy can be freed up by doing this – constructive energy, motivation, acceptance and understanding of the upcoming changes.

Throughout my many years of work, I have learned that recognition, perception and attention are the most powerful currencies of our time.

Humanity, as defined in terms of “taking needs into account” and “involving those who are affected” are, in my view, frequently misunderstood, and that is why people would sometimes rather just leave that topic alone.”


What do you mean exactly?

quotes“Stakeholder participation” is not grassroots democracy! It means to make existing experience and valuable knowledge of the organization visible and usable in terms of internal consultation. The final decision affects one person – the one responsible.

And “taking into account the needs” does not mean meeting those needs on a one-to-one basis.
 A giant step forward can lie in simply finding out or becoming aware of what the needs are. If they cannot be met, it helps everyone involved if the reasons are communicated clearly and comprehensibly.

My experience has often been that: A person can only think and act objectively and be productive if he is emotionally engaged. At first, that doesn’t sound exactly earth-shattering. But if you really internalize this, you gain a lot.”


What does the customer who hired you get out of it? How would you describe your working style?

quotesClear, effective, alive and human. The reason I can list them so quickly is because I’ve given extensive thought to my corporate values.”


Could you give me an example?

quotesYes, I can, in order to remain “clear” for the first value: To me, “clear” means to work and deal with matters courageously and with integrity. My maxim is loosely based on Machiavelli: “The consultant shall speak without fear, the emperor shall decide at will.” In consequence, that means that according to my game rules, I clearly address grievances and, if necessary, take unpleasant consequences in stride. However, I am convinced that this is the only way both sides can benefit from my work.”


Just what does the ideal project/customer look like?

quotesI like this question! Well, I would say that the ideal customer knows what he wants to achieve, is flexible and gives me or us enough room to maneuver, is accessible to answer questions and make quick decisions.

I think that’s a fair description. An impartial view from the outside alone often involves new knowledge and ways to achieve a goal. It is fantastic to have an open and constructive discussion culture. Admittedly, at this point, harmony is not my ultimate goal as a consultant. My ultimate goal is to achieve the best result possible for my client. and the sidebar to this would be to still do justice to my “driver productivity” (laughs).

Of course, in general, it obviously makes it a lot of fun, if content-wise, you and the client are on the same wavelength and hold similar values and beliefs.”


Do you describe yourself as a “continuing education” addict?

quotesYes, to a certain extent.

If I were to actually take all the continuing education courses that interest me, I would have to live for at least 112 years. I drive myself to engage in dialogue with colleagues regarding best practices. Overall, I see it as a great luxury to have the opportunity to be able to continue to educate oneself throughout ones whole life. I utilize this with great joy and incorporate my experience in my projects.”


We wish you great continued success for the future!

quotesThank you very much.”